neděle 14. prosince 2014


Do you want to read a story about a gingerbread? Click HERE!

Do you want to email Santa? Click HERE

What words you think you will hear in this video? 

What do you want to know about Christmas in Britain?

How many words from your list have you heard in the video?

Has the video answered your questions? 

What have you already known?

What have you learned?

Create one "Wh" question for your classmates.

úterý 9. prosince 2014

Your Penguin Stories

Dokážeš najít všechny slova?
Co mají tyto slova společné?
Dokážeš ze slov vytvořit vlastní příběh?

Cuku the Penguin

by Vivi

Cuku lives in Antarctica.
His mother´s name is Cu and his father´s name is Ku.
He is an only young one.
He eats fish. He loves fish.
He loves swimming with parents in the ocean.
He´s 7 years old.
He likes playing with friends with snow. Every day he slides on the icebergs.
He likes his favourite statue. It´s frozen. He likes it because it´s like from glass.
The End.

Monty the Penguin

by Lily

Monty lived in Antarctica.
He was a penguin and penguin have feathers.
Every day he slid on the icebergs, found igloos and hunted fish for him and his family.
Frozen was his favourite movie.
He could swim but he didn´t like the ocean, it was too cold.
Winter was his favourite time of the year because it was snowing, well it was snowing all the time.

Monty the Penguin

by Anička

Hi! I am Monty. I am a penguin.
I love fish, snow and I like swimming in the ocean.
I am from Antarctica.
My friend is a man and he has got an igloo.
My enemies hunt me because I have pretty feathers.
I slide down the frozen icebergs. And you?

Monty in Antarctica

by Jáchym, Šimon and Kryštof

His name is Monty.
He lives in Antarctica in the igloo.
He can swim and slide on the iceberg.
He has got black and white feathers.
He hunts fish in the ocean.
He can walk on the frozen snow.

Pepa the Penguin

by Andulka

Pepa lives in the igloo in Antarctica.
He likes fish, he hunts fish in the ocean.
He lives on a very very big frozen iceberg.
He likes swimming in the ocean.
He has got feathers.

Koko 2 the Penguin

by Rebecca

The penguin´s name is Koko 2.
He´s from Antarctica.
He has got blue and white feathers.
He is herbivorous.
He lives in the igloo.
He likes the oceans and snow. 
He swims in the oceans.
Koko 2 has got parents.
They live on the iceberg.
Koko 2´s parents like frozen fish.

pátek 11. dubna 2014

Happy Easter!

Dear students,

here is your first extra homework of this week!

Podívejte se na video, kde se dozvíte jak slaví Velikonoce ve Velké Británii.
Umíte odpovědět na moji otázku?
What is "egg-rolling"?


 Jak na to?

Pod tímto textem klikněte na "Okomentovat".
Do rámečku zadejte svojí JMÉNO + ODPOVĚĎ.

Pod rámeček s jménem a odpovědí zadejte komentovat jako a vyberte si profil ANONYMNÍ.

Poté už jenom klikněte na OKOMENTOVAT.

A je to! :)

Odpovědět můžete anglicky nebo česky, je to na vás.

V úterý nejsem ve škole, držte prvňáčkům palce na jejich první anglické soutěži :)

My se uvidíme ve středu, těším se na vaše prezentace.

úterý 8. dubna 2014

Being a teacher

Jaké je to být učitelem? Dokážete opravit chyby, které jsem, já vaše učitelka, udělala? :) Jak byste mě ohodnotili? Jak byste mi vysvětlili, kde jsem udělala chyby, abych je již víc neopakovala?

Osnova projektu "My week"

This is my week.
Toto je můj týden.
My favourite day is (Saturday).
I wake up at …. in the morning.
I wash my face.
I brush my teeth.
I comb my hair.
I take off my pyjamas.
I put on …
I eat breakfast at … in the morning.
In the afternoon I …
In the evening I …
I go to bed at … in the evening.
Můj oblíbený den je (sobota).
Vzbudím se v … hodin ráno.
Umyju si obličej.
Vyčistím si zuby.
Učešu se.
Svléknu si pyžamo.
Obleču si …
Nasnídám se v … hodin ráno.
Odpoledne …
Večer …
Do postele jdu v … hodin večer. 
Popíše podrobně svůj jeden oblíbený den.
Fráze jsme se již naučili prostřednictvím písně.
Doplní, co si obleče.
Doplní, co obvykle děla v tento den odpoledne a večer.
On Sunday I …
V neděli …
Postupně popíše každý den v týdnu, ale ne už tak podrobně. Začne nedělí, jelikož anglický týden začíná v kalendáři nedělí.
On Monday I (go to school).
I (go to school) at … in the morning.
V pondělí (chodím do školy).
(Do školy chodím) v … hodin ráno.
Postačí jedna činnost, kterou ten den obvykle vykonává, i s udáním času.
On Tuesday I …
I … at …
V úterý …
… v … hodin.
Jedna činnost + čas.
On Wednesday I …
I … at …
Ve středu …
… v … hodin.
Jedna činnost + čas.
On Thursday I …
I … at …
Ve čtvrtek …
… v … hodin.
Jedna činnost + čas.
On Friday I …
I … at …
V pátek …
… v … hodin.
Jedna činnost + čas.

neděle 23. března 2014


What time is it? ... What´s the time?


Ït is one o´clock = 1:00
It is a quater past one = 1:15 
It is half past one = 1:30
It is a quater to two = 1:45
6:00 = It is six o´clock in the morning.
12:00 = It is twelve o´clock in the afternoon.
18:00 = It is six o´clock in the evening.
20:00 = It is eight o´clock at night
6:00 = It is six a.m.
18:00 = It is six p.m.
12:00 = It is twelve p.m.
00:00 = It is twelve a.m. 
8:00 = It is eight a.m.
20:00 = It is eight p.m.

Practise the time with a cat :) 

And practise a bit more...

Play a game!

Practice makes perfect ... The Book of Time


čtvrtek 13. února 2014

East or west, home is best!

WOW, Eliška!!!
Great job, Liora!

Excellent, Vivi!

Fantastsic, Andulka!

Great job,Simon!

Great, Iza!
Very nice, Anička!
Fantastic, Rebecca!



pátek 31. ledna 2014

What can our robots do?

Great job, Rebecca!
WOW, Vivi!
Great job, Anička!
Great, Liora!

pondělí 27. ledna 2014

What can you do?

Your first great films :)


sobota 11. ledna 2014

Can / Can´t


I can 
You can
He / She / It can

We can
You can
They can

can´t = can + not 

I can´t
You can´t
He / She / It can´t

We can´t
You can´t
They can´t

can = umět / moct

Your turn!

The Clever Fish Story!

Why can´t a shark eat the clever fish?

Learn and Play!