“I want to be a wildlife biologist. I really, really, really like animals. I like that lizards have really long tongues, and cheetahs can run really fast, and armadillos have hard shells. I spend a lot of time thinking about what it would be like to not be a human. Like what would it be like to fly? It would also be interesting to not have to go shopping for food, or worry about money. And you could go anywhere you want as long as there weren’t predators nearby. One time my dad brought me some quills from an African Crested Porcupine, and I accidentally broke one of them, and I saw that even though it was hard on the outside, it was soft and spongy on the inside. And it’s been my favorite animal ever since.”
Do YOU know what YOU want to be?
What do you REALLY, really, really like?
What do you THINK ABOUT all the time?